TFC: Metallum

TFC: Metallum


[Suggestion] More Metals / Alloys / Ores

BlazeKing125 opened this issue ยท 18 comments


So, since comments are disabled on the curse page, i thought i may ask this here, what other metals are you planning on adding?


Adding certus quartz from applied energetics ?


Oh yeah, sorry, forgot to enable it in CF.

Currently I have no plans, but surely I'm open to suggestions. Feel free to suggest some good options.

I only ask to keep in mind that this still is an addon for TFC, so, although I've added tungsten and titanium for which shouldn't be obtainable with medieval tech, i'm not too eager to add things that shouldn't be worked in anvils to produce armor/tools or/and alloyed in a crucible. Some metals probably are already handled by the mod's tech (ie: Iridium in IC2, HSS-G in Gregtech).


What about magic metals, such as manasteel, dawnstone, thaumium, extc?


That's a pretty good idea. I'm gonna research if I can register said metals if the mod's whose add them are present.


what about glowstone? it's used in a number of mods and normally only available in the nether.


could be a phospor type ore as different flavours of phosphorous do different things, green for example glows on its own where as red is highly unstable and can sponaneously combust and white....well.... it burns


Cupronickel is equivalent to Constantan. If some other mod wants the "ingotCupronickel" ore dictionary, it's just a matter of adding both to the same item.

Nickel Silver (gonna use the name Nickel Brass from here on) is interesting, can be inserted in the "bronze" tech (Tier II) as a very durable option for tier II alloys. I need to do further research, but for the looks of it and since nickel is a bit hard in TFC, it should be the best material for Tier II tools.

Argentium Silver, on the other hand, isn't the least interesting. The thing is: it is made by Germanium, which i'm not eager to add since IRL it is a very hard thing to get by mining alone (should require chemical processing i bet). Also, tbh, it does not seems to be all that better than normal Sterling Silver, just more heat and tarnish resistant (which means nothing inside TFC) ?


Also, sorry for not answering earlier @Sty2k5

what about glowstone? it's used in a number of mods and normally only available in the nether.

That should be added by TFC, if it is already not. Both Redstone and Glowstone should be obtainable to be modpack compatible.


heres one i thought of, red alloy from project red. it could be made of copper and redstone since its ment to be conductive and u need alot of it, or u can just make it iron its up to you.


Naquadah? so that integrating any of the dozens of stargate mods can use TFC's metallurgy


A small addon (as suggested) or a default off module would be beyond amazing!



Hmm... maybe another mod called "TFC Metallum: Fantasy Metals" and then register every said fantasy metals there, since people are asking. Of course, i would only add simple stuff (ingots, double ingots and sheets) and not tools, too much work to add a single metal otherwise. Also, no ores and no recipes, it would only mean that the fluid is registered into TFC and then packmakers could add recipes themselves, either alloying or just melting the ingot from responsible mod.


  • Thaumcraft: Thaumium Ingot
  • Embers: Dawnstone Ingot
  • Botania: Manasteel, Terrasteel and Elemetium
  • Naquadah Ingot (from that many stargate mods)

Titanium. I noticed we don't have rutile or any ore for it


maby u will add the uranium? it is need in many mods


Titanium. I noticed we don't have rutile or any ore for it

now we have :D


maby u will add the uranium? it is need in many mods

Base TFC already add pitchblende, which would be my choice here as well. Just need to enable it on the veins json config file.

Titanium. I noticed we don't have rutile or any ore for it

Also yes, i've added rutile a while back here: 0c9dc3e or build 1.2.6


any plans to add any gt materials? thinking of my mod gtc expansion and the mod it's an addon for, gt classic. here's the material classes from both mods: