TFC: Metallum

TFC: Metallum


New Metals

DisasterMoo opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Taken from the suggestion issue (see #21)

  • Red Alloy (Redstone + Copper)
  • Nickel Brass / Nickel Silver (Copper + Nickel + Zinc)

Not adding conditional registration since that cause more issues than resolve. (Sorry, no magic metals since the mod whose add those normally register tools, not needing me to duplicate it)


Might I suggest a few new metals suggested by a user on the CurseForge page?


Might I suggest a few new metals suggested by a user on the CurseForge page?

Not sure about metals, but imo ores should be added for compatibility. If ore dict can't help with the crushing / smelting or w/e recipe, there's always CT to fill the gap.


Boron is already added as a gem in tfc. the others could be added as ores like you mentionned.


If anyone is wondering:

  • Magnesium = Should be processed from magnesite (was already part of Metallum prior to v1.1.3)
  • Lithium = Added Spodumene in v1.1.3
  • Boron = Was already in Metallum prior to v1.1.3, i just buffed up their spawn rate
  • Thorium = Should be processed from thorianite (was already part of Metallum prior to v1.1.3)
  • Uranium = Should be processed from pitchblende, part of TFC itself.