Thaumic Inventory Scanning (Thaumcraft Addon)

Thaumic Inventory Scanning (Thaumcraft Addon)


Crashes when item has no aspects

fin600 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Scanned a Tinker's Construct thing without any aspects and it crashed promptly. Needs some sort of error handling where it puts out 'nothing can be learned from this'.


YES! My crash is... The ferrous ore Thermal Found. when scan the Diamond chest, crash. My crash report same...
java.lang.StackOverflowError: Unexpected error
at thaumcraft.api.aspects.AspectList.getAspects(
at thaumcraft.api.aspects.AspectList.copy(
at thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager.generateTagsFromCrucibleRecipes(
at thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager.generateTagsFromRecipes(
at thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager.generateTags(
at thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager.generateTags(


I think this is some kind of mod-interaction issue. I doesn't happen to me when scanning Tinkers tools. I also can't find anything wrong with the code. From looking at Thaumcraft code, it looks like there's a crucible recipe that uses itself as a catalyst, and it really doesn't like that at all... did you try scanning it normally without the inventory scan?