Thaumic Augmentation

Thaumic Augmentation


Crash on Startup

thedeerirty opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Not sure exactly the cause, but I'm having a startup crash. Something about forge energy in relation to Thaumic Augmentation


I'm going to close this since I'm 99% sure it's not this mod's fault. It's unfortunate that a lot of mods seem to misunderstand how hasCapability and getCapability work / relate to each other, but I can't even directly see what mod is doing that so there's nothing I can really do.


Understandable, thanks for the reply
If it's anything, I figure it would be the forge version but I figure I'd ask the people who know first. I'll see if I need to update forge


Not sure what could be causing that, but do make sure you've got everything updated in your pack like the Forge version and assorted mods. Codex can have a look into that when he's available, although he's been very busy as of late so it might be a while I'm afraid.


It seems like what is happening is that some item with Forge Energy is incorrectly advertising itself as also being an augment, which probably means that they didn't check what capability was being asked for in getCapability. Unfortunately, unless the offending mod can be identified, I can't really do much about it. If you do manage to figure out which one it is, I'd be happy to see if that is indeed the problem.