Thaumic Augmentation

Thaumic Augmentation


[Suggestions] Additional Spell Ideas

DaRetroCat opened this issue · 11 comments


[Medium: Explosion]
[Aspect type: Machina. . .? (i have no idea what other aspect it could use that isn't already used)]
[Settings: Potency=1-5 controls explosion size]
I imagine it would basically act as a quick AOE strongest in the middle and weakest at the edges just like a normal explosion would be, and when used with effects like break or trade it would effect any block a explosion would normally destroy. the medium could be used for some fun combinations like making mines actually explode, making bouncy grenades, or using it with plan for just absolute destruction depending what effect you use with it! :D

[Effect: Build]
[Aspect type: Instrumentum?]
[Settings: Height=1/6 controls how tall the pole thingy you build, Crumble Delay=0/20 seconds? controls how long it takes for the block to crumble 0 disables it]
Its basically just the builder focus from TC5 with two major differences first: instead of a dynamically changing size based on where you are its preset since i dont think you would be able to have a overlay for where your build using the TC6 spell system, so still having it be dynamic but having no way to tell how its changing would get really annoying real fast imo. second major change is the crumble setting (default at 0) which if set higher then 0 will cause any blocks placed by the spell to break and return to your inventory by the specified delay so if you set it to 10 seconds then after 10 seconds of being placed it will be destroyed and the item will be returned back to your inventory, this is useful for making temp buildings to get around places for example you could quickly construct a bridge in a few clicks walk across and have the blocks return back to you for future use, the crumble settings is entirely unnecessary but i think it would be cool to have.

[Effect: Vacuum]
[Aspect type: Vacuos]
[Uses impetus]
[Settings: Potency=1/5 controls how powerful the pull is, Range=1/6 controls how far it pulls entities from]
This effect will drag any entities (mobs or items but not the player) into where it hits for a second or two sort of like a weakened primal cutter drawing effect, this could be quite powerful paired with other spells like cloud so to help balance it out it will require impetus like the void shield spell, besides the ability to combo with other spells it also has use as a make-shift item magnet.

sorry for the giant and complex suggestion i hope you like atleast one of these ideas :)



Been playing with the recently updated Tainted Magic mod and the mage's mace focus is a really cool concept. It would really fit TC6 with the gauntlets it has.

A cool way to implement it would be a new focus would be a new focus medium punch: It would work much like the touch medium, but works through left click. It also has a much faster cooldown, making it more spammable. To counteract this it has basically no range, since it only interacts with things that are punched. This makes the medium good for basic attacking effects, such as fire and ice, but also for utility effects, such as rift and exchange focus effects. The mining effect would make the gauntlet function almost like a universal mining tool.

I think the implementation should be doable, since punching pretty simple event.


We have already considered spell ideas along the lines of the first two, although not the last one.

The explosion medium is an interesting idea although possibly hard to balance without giving it a heavy cooldown or complexity cost. It might also be tricky to make it work with the TC6 spell system, since it's not well coded and tends to limit what can be done to it. We had a similar idea for an AoE pulse medium, but I think we dropped that since we weren't sure how it would work exactly.

The build effect we thought of, which I think we wanted to limit to placing single blocks where the spell hits, since otherwise it might interact badly with other mediums. We also considered having an extension of the spell in the form of a more advanced building tool that would support things like lines and walls, since having a separate tool would mean we wouldn't be stuck with the TC6 spell system. However, we've left the idea behind for now since it would be very difficult to implement, although it may come back later if we have the time.

The vacuum effect is a new idea, although as you sat it might be too effective if paired with a damage cloud effect of some form, so an impetus requirement would make a lot of sense (especially since impetus needs more uses). It might need some other tweaks to make it less powerful, like a high complexity to mitigate how many other effects you can cast. Also, Thaumic Tinkerer was working on adding the telekinesis effect which did a similar thing for moving items, although I don't know if that addon is still being worked at this point.

No worries about suggestion lists, there are plenty of them around, ones even longer than yours. While I can't say if any of these will be added, it's always interesting to see ideas from others, especially if they're well considered. Oh, and I think I've already seen all the icons you uploaded, since we already use a lot (it's easier than making the icons myself, that's for sure).


Sorry for the late response, it doesn't surprise me the first two ideas were thought of and considered before since there basically just adding newer forms of past TC spells.

and ya after thinking about it for awhile it would be really hard to balance since not only does it need to not be too overpowered itself but not be too underpowered compared to cloud aswell. so maybe instead of being a medium it could be a effect? basically a TC6 version of the older thaum's primal focus, it also using impetus like void shield would make sense.

i dont think the build effect would interact badly with any mediums atlest in theory since if it only built pillars like in TC5 then it would basically be a reversed rift effect, since rift replaces blocks with its rift block inwards to where it hits and build would replace blocks (air) with a changeable block outwards to where it hits. but with tc6's spell code being bleh even if build SHOULDNT interact badly with some mediums i guess it doesn't mean it wont XD.

and for vacuum a high complexity would make sense for balance. and am pretty sure thaumic tinkerer has been put the backburner for awhile so Modular force field system could be worked on instead or something.

and i actually didnt know existed all the foci textures are altered textures used by thaumcraft, build and explosion use edited textures found in TC6 and vacuum uses a altered TC3 aspect texture.


Thanks for the response. TC6's spell system sounds like its a giant code spaghetti monster or just all of tc6's code for that matter, i cant even imagine the hell of trying to get some of thaumic aug's more complex features to work with it.

and ya i can understand wanting to also have a more complex building tool for players later on, as even tho just building a pillar is quite helpful for most building jobs it is still quite slow and misclicks could be quite annoying.

and ya i figured i just thought id suggest the ideas incase they could be useful in the future.


You mention the primal focus, and that was actually another spell we were considering. I don't think we've decided on that one yet, since while the idea was sound it would be difficult to implement it for many reasons.

The build effect making a pillar could work, perhaps with an option for length in the focal manipulator. Personally I'd want to make sure it was added alongside a more flexible build tool though, as it'd help mitigate any frustrations players have with the build effect since there would be a better version of the effect that they can use later on. Oh, and don't underestimate Thaumcraft 6's terrible code, we've had plenty of features we thought would be really simple to add, and then it suddenly becomes days of work to sort out an enormous pile of horrible bugs that wouldn't exist if we weren't relying on existing TC6 systems.

Vacuum can be kept in mind, but again I don't know if it or anything else here can/will be added. Development's been a little stop and start lately and we already have ideas for things we want to work on, and even those might not be added. is where all of Thaumcraft's aspect icons, spell icons and some other icons can be found, so we use that for consistency's/laziness's sake.


Hey! I love this ideas and your point of view :) I just wanna suggest another one: maybe it could be possible to implement a new modifier to the Build effect to place random blocks, kinda like Quark's Trove. Not sure how can be done, since you can only select one block, I just wanted to let you guys the idea <3 Good job guys!


Playing TC5 I fell in love with the build focus. I would want to see something like that in a future update. I think it should be approached by adding a new item, just like Azanor with the grapple and grapple focus, because the TC6 focus system is pretty inflexible.


Ya the more i've thought about it a item method like you originally said was planned would be best,

id say maybe have a standard and advanced version? the standard id say the standard should be basically a copy of the build foci from TC5 being able to build adjustive pillars while the advanced version would be a end game version powered by impetus (to give it more uses) that would be able to build additional shapes (like walls n stuff) and maybe if at all possible a simple undo function that undos its last build and refunds the blocks? mostly since its always so annoying when you misclick and then have to spend 5 minutes digging up your misplaced blocks


I was thinking of an Arcane Hammer or a mechanical tool of some kind in place of the build focus if it were to go the same route as the grappler focus did. I'm also glad the grappler was made into its own item rather than getting left behind due to the new focus mechanics.


ya i figured techno mysterio already said there was some kind of non-spell version planned and i was responding to that, though making it look like a hammer did get me thinking and i tried modeling a arcane-y hammer though i did it at 4 AM so it didnt turn out the best but i think its decent enough to show :)
Void version too:


Thats a really good looking model, I'm impressed. Yes I agree a hammer would be a fitting tool for building. Only thing that came to my mind was bricklayers tools, but those hardly fit the thaumcraft style.

And definitely a big yes for a basic and advanced version. It would be nice if the builder would be available early on for base building, and a advanced version for more larger scale building. Then while we're at it why not add a upgraded grapple, it could pull in mobs, acting as an advanced fishing rod and it has increased speed and range. Maybe it could have multiple hooks as well.