Thaumic Augmentation

Thaumic Augmentation


Something goes too wrong(

shoverno2 opened this issue · 42 comments


The coordinates of any block broken by player become warded.
Sometimes lage area become warded((
There's no crash, except log file((((


Are you 100% sure it's warded? It will have the special rune particle effect when punched or show sparkles when holding a caster with a ward focus. The only reason I ask is because I've been testing this version in a survival world for a little while now and haven't had this happen.


What exactly is happening? Are you on a server, are you in singleplayer? Where are you breaking blocks and how? Are you using a particular mod pack? I can't seem to replicate this problem in singleplayer at least, I can break blocks freely and nothing gets warded in the process, so some extra detail on this problem would be helpful.


Well, i'm 101% sure:

  1. it's glowing, when holding ward focus
  2. changed world, reloaded mod, still breaking block makes block coordinates warded
    I will try mod without others...

Well, still weird warding at 3 mods;
3)thaumic augmentation
All at last version
It's singleplayer
No unknown mods and other mods
regular options
just fresh forge and 3 mods
That's all what i know for now...


Well, nest new news:

  1. i can't see the runic ripples when hitting warded block
  2. Without mod's core working any world loading will cause crash
  3. After reloading world all weird wards disappear(but still appear, when block destroyed
  4. Disabling warding module resolve problem(But i like new warding system)
  5. warded chest\doors works perfect
  6. Any "normally" warded by gauntlet wardings become bigger and bugging after reload world

Would you perhaps be able to provide a video of whatever is going on here? Alternatively, a set of pictures? A visual example of some kind may help to clarify the exact problem. I'm assuming you're using Thaumic Augmentation 1.1.4 too.


[21:35:24] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [thecodex6824.thaumicaugmentation.api.warded.WardStorageClient:setWard:121]: [Client] setting ward at BlockPos{x=249, y=63, z=247}: OWNED_SELF
[21:35:24] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [thecodex6824.thaumicaugmentation.api.warded.WardStorageClient:setWard:121]: [Client] setting ward at BlockPos{x=249, y=63, z=247}: OWNED_SELF

the only warding thread i have seeked
(and that...)
[21:35:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [thecodex6824.thaumicaugmentation.api.warded.WardStorageServer:setWard:850]: [Server] setting ward: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
[21:35:19] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [thecodex6824.thaumicaugmentation.api.warded.WardStorageClient:setWard:121]: [Client] setting ward at BlockPos{x=249, y=63, z=247}: OWNED_SELF
[21:35:19] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [thecodex6824.thaumicaugmentation.api.warded.WardStorageClient:setWard:121]: [Client] setting ward at BlockPos{x=249, y=63, z=247}: OWNED_SELF
[21:35:21] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [thecodex6824.thaumicaugmentation.api.warded.WardStorageServer:setWard:850]: [Server] setting ward: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
[21:35:21] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [thecodex6824.thaumicaugmentation.api.warded.WardStorageClient:setWard:121]: [Client] setting ward at BlockPos{x=249, y=63, z=247}: OWNED_SELF
[21:35:21] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [thecodex6824.thaumicaugmentation.api.warded.WardStorageClient:setWard:121]: [Client] setting ward at BlockPos{x=249, y=63, z=247}: OWNED_SELF
[21:35:24] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [thecodex6824.thaumicaugmentation.api.warded.WardStorageServer:setWard:850]: [Server] setting ward: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000


I'm sorry, I was being stupid and forgot that the logs would probably lag worldgen to unreasonable levels. I fixed that and made another build at can you give that a try?

this built can be uploaded for every one, who have problem with after block breaken warding, chunk warding not so annoying.
But if you resolve first two or more problems(chunk warding, unable to deward, no runic effect), that's will be much better.
I just saying that couse you maybe tired and doesn't feel you can fix everything rightnow.


As for me, 22:10, im going to bed


I'll probably take a little break and then get back to this, thank you for investigating this with me. So just to confirm so far:

  • blocks are NOT warded after breaking them
  • the wards are "spreading" to nearby blocks
  • you cannot deward warded blocks
  • rune effect does not display

Seems to me like there's a desync issue going on between the server data and client data (it is still separated in singleplayer)

As for me, 22:10, im going to bed

Thank you for your help and goodnight :)


thank you),
warding doesnt spread at nearby block, warding completely spread at chank
every other tips is right


of course i can:

2019-07-16_20 02 46

block destroyed
2019-07-16_20 02 51

world reloaded
2019-07-16_20 03 15

nothing №2
2019-07-16_20 03 35

ward casted(zap)
2019-07-16_20 03 37

after cast warded block
2019-07-16_20 03 41

"stranger things"(world reload)
2019-07-16_20 04 01
2019-07-16_20 04 06
2019-07-16_20 04 05
2019-07-16_20 04 03

does this mod need something more, then just thaumcraft and baubles?
maybe i lost something? maybe there addictional core\lib\util needed?


Hmm, this is very confusing, and I can't seem to replicate it. A few more questions:

  • What happens when you cast the spell again, on the blocks that are already warded? It should remove the ward from the blocks.
  • What kind of spell layout are you using exactly? Is it a Touch -> Ward spell perhaps?
  • What version of Thaumcraft and Thaumic Augmentation are you using? What about Forge?
  • Is this in an old world or a new world?

I'm sorry that you're having these issues with the warding, but thank you for helping us out. Is there any chance I can see your full latest.log? I want to see if anything weird is going on. Thank you for mentioning the mod crashing without the coremod as well, that has been fixed.


Hmm, this is very confusing, and I can't seem to replicate it. A few more questions:

  • What happens when you cast the spell again, on the blocks that are already warded? It should remove the ward from the blocks.
  • What kind of spell layout are you using exactly? Is it a Touch -> Ward spell perhaps?
  • What version of Thaumcraft and Thaumic Augmentation are you using? What about Forge?
  • Is this in an old world or a new world?

Good questions, couse:
1)When casted again ward doesn't disappear
2)projectile, planning, touch, whatever(
3)everything is last versions, nothing outdated
4)like 2, whatever((


I'm sorry that you're having these issues with the warding, but thank you for helping us out. Is there any chance I can see your full latest.log? I want to see if anything weird is going on. Thank you for mentioning the mod crashing without the coremod as well, that has been fixed.

you know, this addon to thaumcraft the best i ever seen, of course i will help)


Soo, any ideas?


you know, this addon to thaumcraft the best i ever seen, of course i will help)

I'm glad you like the addon!

Soo, any ideas?

I'd still like to see the log (if you're ok with sharing it), just to rule out any really weird happenings.


Well, how to find those logs, when minecraft doesn't crashing?(if you don't want to see crash without mod's core)


Well, how to find those logs, when minecraft doesn't crashing?(if you don't want to see crash without mod's core)

In your logs folder in your minecraft directory, there should be a "latest.log" file, that's the log that I would like to see. It always appears, even when there isn't a crash.


That's the right file, but it looks like Thaumic Augmentation wasn't being loaded on that run. Put it back in your mods folder, do some of the stuff you did above that caused weird things, then go back to the logs folder and send me that log.
(Thank you for sticking with this by the way, it helps a lot)


alright, wait a minute...


About ward only 2 research here:
1)[20:55:04] [Client thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 1 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/ward_foci_coremod.json
2)[20:55:04] [Client thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 3 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/warded.json


I've uploaded a temporary test build at [link expired] (the jar is still signed by me), use that build and do what you have done before. That build will log anything that happens due to wards, so when you're done please send me your "debug.log" (same place as latest.log)


stuck at new world generation


I'm sorry, I was being stupid and forgot that the logs would probably lag worldgen to unreasonable levels. I fixed that and made another build at [link expired] can you give that a try?


i also loaded old world:
nice news: no ward after digging block
bad news: TOO LAGGY, when warded focus wearing or breaking blocks


and after leaving world minecraft crashing(first build)


One bug resolved, no weird warding №1(except no lags XD)

But still ward can't be deleted and...
that... (after reload, of course)
2019-07-16_21 35 59

I don't remember that i gained so many exp XD


Well, i just released, that after spell warding one block and reload world chank warding, completely!
Your warding system MUCH MORE better at performance then thaumcraft 4 warding system.
I like it so much))


So while I haven't reproduced the exact craziness that has been happening for you, it did allow me to find a whole bunch of bugs in the last version's warding, so maybe this version will work?


Well, i checked all.
1)Awasome animation! Finaly, non mouth spells))
2)Minor bag whith animation, it still apear after hiding gauntlet. (but can be ignored, it looks like whith gauntlet animation for little wile. Also, you can easy uderstand "why")
3)Warding still:
1] Doesn't have rune/ripple animation
2] Spread to local chunk FULLY(after world reloading, of course)
3] Cant be removed.

  1. New (and changed in this update) augmentations cant be applyed to gauntlets (tested whith mod gauntlets).
    for now that's all
    and im going to bed again XD
    Everything was tested on last version of forge, only 3 mods(thaumcraft, baubles, TA).

I think it's time to stop evolving mod for wile. Every bag should be fixed. Bags may cry)))
Or this mod can die, like thaumic arcana...


Even forge 2768 showing those bags whith warding and new augmentaions(
And warding (after reload world) corrupt chunk OVER FULLY!
What the mechanic you using?

forge 2768(or upper, it doesn't changing too much)
2019-08-05_14 23 29

from over 256 in height
2019-08-05_14 27 21

to deep deep down
2019-08-05_14 28 05

I don't think that tere something interesting, but any way, latest logs
and debug...


[14:19:20] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML]: Registry: 455 thaumicaugmentation:warded_chest Block{thaumicaugmentation:warded_chest}

[14:19:20] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML]: Registry: 2265 minecraft:record_ward net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@3d71e10b
(record ward XD)

[14:19:20] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML]: Registry: 31 thaumcraft:warpward thaumcraft.common.lib.potions.PotionWarpWard@cd3d6c3

nothing interested in debug or logs((


I just thinking that something that prevent all block events and etc means prevent ANYTHING with that block. I mean, maybe warding system preventing unwarding system. Just mine guess-works...


In chunk warding problems has deal the ward coordinates loader, maybe. Glitch appear when loading world. Trying to load warded coordinates mod choosing chunk instead of block.
Another quess-works...


public abstract interface IUnwardableBlock
public boolean shouldBeUnwardable(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, @nullable Entity warder)
return true;
@nullable Entity warder...
What is it?


Warding can't stand against destruction power of auromancy
including warded chest and other warded stuff


The code snippet you posted is just something applied to dedicated warded things like the Arcane Door and Warded Chest to ensure that they can't be "double warded" by the ward focus. As for your actual problem, I think I figured it out:

Couldn't look up profile properties for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@4ea93835[id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,name=Shoverno,properties={},legacy=false]

That UUID happens to be the UUID I use internally to mark the absence of a ward. That UUID isn't even a valid version 4 UUID, so it should be impossible for a real Minecraft profile to have it. So you just need to change your UUID you use in whatever setup you have.

In the event this isn't the case, just let me know and I'll reopen this.