Thaumic Augmentation

Thaumic Augmentation


[BUG] My client crashed when dealing with some class transformation of EldritchGuardian

rogo921 opened this issue · 5 comments


Hello guys,there is some errors about EldritchGuardian when i lauching my client. It seems like the class transformation of EldritchGuardian between TC6 and TA didn't go properly.
Crashlog below:
PS: I am using 2.1.3 version and tried a lower version. And they all encounter same question.


Can I see your full log?


The log appears to be cut off at the beginning but it's probably fine, I don't see anything immediately wrong. Can you try loading just TC6 + TA + baubles and see if it still crashes?


The log appears to be cut off at the beginning but it's probably fine, I don't see anything immediately wrong. Can you try loading just TC6 + TA + baubles and see if it still crashes?
Fine,this time it didn't crash,and can play normally. Maybe I should check other mods.


I might just rewrite that class transformer even if it's technically correct, because there was an odd issue I encountered before that may be popping up here Once I get around to rewriting the entities, I won't need a coremod to fix this, so I think I'll just wait for that. In the meantime, if you add thecodex6824.thaumicaugmentation.core.transformer.TransformerEldritchGuardianFog to the DisabledTransformers list in the config (under general options) and restart the game, the game will stop crashing. It will make the spire a bit interesting because there will be fog everywhere, but it will work.