Thaumic Augmentation

Thaumic Augmentation


Anything you can do about the old Seal issue? [Feature Request]

thedeerirty opened this issue · 15 comments


Not quite your department, I know, but I was curious if as an additional feature if there's a way to stop the old Golem Seals disappearing? I wanna try out the new seal that's offered in the mod, but if it's gonna suffer the fate of not working when I unload the chunk then I wouldn't wanna invest the time to get creative with it, ya' feel?


I've not had problems you are describing when using golems and seals in my worlds, the golems work fine after loading and unloading, it sometimes takes a bit of time. What you describe could be a mod conflict. What other mods have you installed?


Also I am not the mod author @TheCodex6824 is the author of this mod, I'm just a curious about the issue. PS. this mod is currently on a development hiatus until we hear more about COFH's TC/ Codex has more (More about in #248)


I should investigate this more. It could possibly be that my testing and bases were all in always loaded spawn chunks. I'll test it with just thaumcraft to see if I can reproduce.


Good luck to ya'!
Happened to me again on my server as I'm typing. Comes in two variants
the Seals themselves will disappear entirely. Not on wall or whereever I put them
or they will remain in those places, but can't be interacted with. it might be functionally the same as the former, but it still renders the seals where I put them when using a bell

Thanks for checkin' on it too; I know it's not your place to bugfix, but could be a nice quality of life improvement for a future update of augmentation.


Can't seem to replicate it, i'll have to test it in multiplayer, that seems to be a common theme with those reports


Oh, really? I suppose it could be;
From what I've gathered it was a classic problem with Thaum 6 itself. Lot o' bug reports on it from some of the research I've done trying to fix it.
So far it's only happened to me once, but deloading chunks would essentially either cause the seals to vanish, or make them something I couldn't interact with.
Here's a link to one Thaum report I've seen on the bug
Seems to only affect multiplayer? So I am clueless. Maybe its something that can't be fixed as it's not reproducable or such.


Ohh gotcha, my bad lol. Was quite confused. I did see that post but I have the memory of a dying goldfish.
Yeah, it's mainly replicatable on servers as you pointed out. It gets quite annoying so I'm currently seeing what I can do for some chunkloading. Heard it isn't a perfect fix, but better than nothing.


I just found some other golem jank. Was just messing with golems in creative and a golem that doesn't belong to me just spontaneously appeared from thin air. O-O
2021-09-14_19 57 31

Edit: My guess is that a golem placed an another golem, now that placed golem doesn't belong to me
2021-09-14_20 00 58
Yep it's the golems placing more golems :D


man for real just manifested
Golem's seem janky in general, but I'm determined to get this farm working.
Self replicated, it seems. Building their own army.


If I run a server, I need to do that on the server's forge configs too right?


The seals dissapearing are a Forge issue; if you want it to stop happening disable chunk caching in Forge. Note the seals only dissapear if you leave the chunk.


I believe the forge config option @ErnestoPeroPezzi is referring to is "dormantChunkCacheSize". I can confirm that this value is NOT going to affect this bug.

I experienced disappearing seals in one chunk, but not one block into the adjacent chunk. It seems likely that this is related to chunking in some way, so I went to change my forge config to prevent this happening again. That's when I saw that "dormantChunkCacheSize" was already == 0 (ie disabled).

I do not know what is causing this bug, but I was hoping that by providing this info I can help root cause.

I don't know when my seals disappeared exactly. I only built the farm a couple of days ago and then noticed tonight that it was broken. Since the server started today, no errors in the log, but I will upload logs from all of the days since I built the farm. The server lagged super hard two days ago when I tried going through a nether portal far away from the base and booted everyone off. It was loading a ton of new chunks and everyone timed out.

There is also a forge setting called "asyncChunkLoading", but not certain it is related. The part that puzzles me is why do all seals in chunk X disappear, but seals in chunk x+1 do not?

Anyways, I don't think it's fair to rule this out as a Forge bug at this point.


If it is indeed a forge issue as was mentioned before, then there isn't much I can do. If I remember correctly, seals are a bit nebulous in their existence in the first place (there is pretty much just a list of them somewhere, they are not blocks or entities, so TC needs to save them itself). My guess would be TC gets confused by that chunk cache, but I can't say for sure.


I took a look at this today, and while that area of the code is a bit complex so I may have missed something, I believe I have identified a place where freshly placed seals may disappear in a chunk:

  • There must be no entities in the chunk
  • The chunk itself must not be marked dirty (Thaumcraft sets a dirty flag on its own list, and then doesn't seem to use it (?))

If all of the above conditions apply and the chunk is then unloaded, I think that will result in the chunk data not thinking it needs to be saved, meaning any seals placed will not be saved. If that is the case, there is any easy workaround: just place or break a block in the chunk, which will mark it as needing to be saved.

Edit: If you decide to do testing, you need to unload the chunks at least once on a fresh world before placing seals, as chunks generating automatically marks them as needing to be saved