Thaumic Augmentation

Thaumic Augmentation


Warding tweaking +A little detail

shoverno2 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I remember ward from thaumcraft 4
And that was... Luggy, glitchy when there's many of this
But it was more easy to ward something
In visual and practical aspects

And first is Practical
In thaumic augmentations there's problem about applying ward

When targeting multiple blocks
Every non warded are warding
And those that already warded
Are unwarding

In thaumcraft 4 ward focus applying system was actually great
And in TC 6 it's... fine, actually
Fine with almost anything, except warding

There's ideas of how to make ward affect only warded or only unwarded blocks
1)By making warded blocks something different to unwarded in meaning for "Plan"
And I'm not sure this is possible...
2)That's why there's "B" option
To separate ward applying to "ward" and "unward"
But not in mean of doing two effects (If it's not another realization idea)

What if ward would only ward blocks if player looking at non warded block
And if it's warded, effect would only unward...

(Still not sure even here)

And "+A little detail" part
"boots of void walker" is uber fast
So fast that... player can't fit him in one block trap door)

And, for cosmetic reason, wearing those off is not an option

And even if this thought not super useful
What about idea of adding key for turning off boots?


Oh, about visual part of warding in addon

What about changing green dot of warded blocks that shows upon ward focus preparation
to runes?

In imagination that looks awesome


commenting here instead of opening a new issue.

Perhaps a simpler solution would be for warding an area, base whether to ward or unward off the single block the player is targeting.

That way if your aim is to remove warding from a large number of blocks where some are warded and some aren't, one just has to target a warded block to remove warding on anything in the planning highlight, and vice versa for warding blocks.

Thinking that might be easier to implement codewise and even improve execution as instead of checking each block for the effect to apply, only check the primary block one is looking at.

I do want to say again this mod is amazing, and feels like the truest spiritual successor to if the main tc had continued dev on 1.12