Thaumic Augmentation

Thaumic Augmentation


[Suggestion] Phase shift, more focuses?

Carvercarver1 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


It has been a while since I suggested things, and I had a particular thing in mind.

Phase shifting focus/abiliy - by getting inspired by Eldritch Wardens and Eldritch Guardians, I had an idea. By inspecting them and researching the rifts, you can come to the idea that you can make two kinds of phase shift abilities. One is, as it is named, Phase Shift: by using inter-dimensional study and emptyness/various dimensions, your form is rendered indistinct and half-corporeal, where shots and blows can then pass through the user's body, meaning that even the most powerful weapons cannot harm the user. All because it keeps rapidly moving the user's fabric of a body between dimensions while still largely remaining in the dimension. Additionally that grants ability for regular melee hits to completely ignore the armor as it gets thru it as well. Essentially you also become somewhat incorporeal but with a twist that you configured that you do not fall thru a block.
As a consequence however it costs impetus and perhaps more, and a caution should be kept as there can be an incident where you get sent to a random dimension you use when charge ran out, or you just die because you got severed in half or molecularily dissassembled between dimensions.

And then, phase teleport - using same knowledge and some knowledge on the dimensional manipulation, as well as pecularities of ender pearl and bed and other things, you can make a Phase Teleport artefact/thingy - it will teleport you to a set location (that you prepared) if you are going to get a killing blow and about to die and you also ran out of totems. Upon teleport you are granted maximum restore and resistance to combat potential status effects you had.

Totem save or totem reverse engineering - despite totems not being produceable you can recreate the effect by pendants and fusing them with same thing that you cast focus. So you essentially cram all Victus and other stuff into the item and it releases if you are close to death, healing your wounds quickly.

Corrossion foci - deals greater damage against non-living objects but does not affect living beings. Since we have stuff that affects all living and undead, but we lack the stuff that kills the stuff that is not even alive or biological.

Void shield ideas have been suggested before, but perhaps we need a version that nulliffies projectiles?