Thaumic Augmentation

Thaumic Augmentation


Dimensional compatibility

shoverno2 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Your dim-augments support only 3 vanilla dimensions and one of yours. But there so many mods that adding dimensions. So, why not to add configuration list of:

  1. overworld like dimensions
  2. nether like dimensions
  3. end like dimensions
  4. void dimensions
    That will provide compatibility to many mods.

Not a bad idea, it'll probably have to be another config option list though. There doesn't seem to be any sort of registry for dimension types like BiomeDictionary, so that's a shame.


What about this?
I see there something about tracking what the dim.


That's kinda what I mean by a config; dimension IDs identify individual dimensions, but what I meant was there are no nice types they can register to like "forest" or "void".


The latest update added config options to specify which dimensions should count for each of the augments. You will have to add them manually, but I feel like that was the best option as people's expectations of what dimensions should count or not are probably vastly different and will differ from modpack to modpack.