Thaumic Augmentation

Thaumic Augmentation


[SUGGESTION] Flux "Catcher"

Shazuli opened this issue ยท 4 comments



This is a bit complicated, so trying my best at explaining how it works, functions and finally why:
In the title, I had the word "Flux", so the machine has to do with it. Basically the only way in vanilla Thaumcraft to handle Flux is to be as efficient as possible when using the Crucible. And with Essentia you have to try and get a Primordial Pearl and get yourself a Void Essentia Smelter with a bunch of *checks notes* "Auxiliary Venting Port", three of them in fact. Even then you have to avoid using it if you can and make sure you don't exceed 50 Flux in that chunk by waiting for it to distribute to neighbouring chunks as long as the average between all 27 chunks doesn't exceed 50.
There is obviously the Flux Condenser. But god, I have had two of them running non-stop with two Latices on them. I have moved them around all over the place because the Flux sea has a way too high viscosity, and it keeps coming back from other chunks.
So here is my suggestion, and I'm going to sound like a condom commercial; prevent it from happening.

My idea is an Arcane multiblock structure (5x5) you place above your Flux producing thing. You then draw a long line of "Flux Tubes" (not to confuse with Essentia Tubes) away from your main base with a "Venting Flux Tube" or something along those lines where the Flux will be vented out instead. This place can house an array of Flux Condensers or a Flux Rift. Multiple Arcane Flux Catchers can be constructed around your base (but I think it would be good to keep them fairly pricey) and connected to the same Flux Tube line. Flux Catchers do not suck up already present Flux in the chunk, it will only prevent more Flux from entering the chunk.
This is basically a Cooking Hood. It vents out smoke, but instead of water vapour, it's Flux.


This machine will also have to be maintained. I like the idea of you having to replace Essentia Filters inside it every so often. But instead of having to be destroyed you get "Clogged Essentia Filter" you can clean and re-use. Maybe this can be done in a Vanilla Cauldron filled with water.
The last thing with this is that it will require Vis. If it's underpowered there's a chance for it to fail to scoop up newly released Flux.


For all the thinking I've done about other ways to get rid of flux, "move it somewhere else" never really occurred to me. It is a really good idea because people can move it to somewhere where they can more easily manage it with the condensers, or they can pollute the environment and make it not their problem. I'd probably have it work by sucking up flux in the current chunk it's in as that would be a bit cleaner with supporting everything, but this is something I'll definitely think about for after 1.2.0.


Here's an idea- send it to the corresponding chunk in the nether or end, though less efficiently since we're transporting something across dimensions.


Flux management is being considered for the next update - we're not sure exactly what solution we're going with quite yet, but there will be something. Really the two ideas are either focusing on encouraging the player to move flux (and maybe feed it to a rift to get impetus), or some sort of better condenser system that is a bit more complex but would have benefits like more durable filters. I'm kind of leaning towards option 1 at the moment but it's not decided yet.


I gotta say, the Wonders capacitor and distiller are baller flux cleanup tools already. I can almost keep up with two polluting machinery in the same chunk using a single capacitor and distiller, and adding a capacitor and just pushing it back and forth between a single distiller should be strong enough. What I want is moving flux more easily. Capacitors can only move so much and putting them in flying machines to transport them across chunks isn't the safest option- you kinda have to keep the area chunk loaded so the machines don't break.