Certain particles/effect from this mod cause other mods' particles to render in white
SeriousCreeper opened this issue ยท 4 comments
i noticed that certain effects and particles of this mod will render other mods particles in white (even if they were originaly in color).
Here is a quick video of demonstrating the issue: https://streamable.com/josz8e
The other particles in this are from Roots and Embers Rekindled.
Using Thaumic Augmentation 2.0.5
As I recall that's a problem with how vanilla Thaumcraft renders its particles, so I'm not sure if there's much that can be done to solve the bug unfortunately.
Normally it would probably be a TC issue, but all of those Thaumcraft-y particles are mine, so it is indeed an issue in TA. I haven't had a chance to look into this yet (very busy with school), but I have a feeling I know what this is
In case you were waiting for a proper update, the fix is in here