Thaumic Energistics

Thaumic Energistics


Applied Energistics rv3 Support?

Aragur opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Would it possible for you, to make support for Applied Energistics rv3?


Please read what is written on the download page for AE2 rv3. This version is still in alpha and might have some pretty bad bugs.


AE2 rv3 has big API changes and it might be that ThaumicEnergistics is using parts of the API that have changed while other add-ons are not using parts that changed.

This is what is written in the download section of AE2 rv3:
"Rv3 Alpha is not compatible with any AE2 add-ons, do not request add-on authors or other mod developers to support these builds."


From what I seen so far and I have been extensively using AE2 rv3 it runs better then all the other AE2 Versions I have tested it with many AE2 addons such as Extra Cells and ae2 stuff mods and both of those run really well with it ThaumicEnergistics is the only add-on that will not start with RV3 ,and I was also coming here to see if RV3 support could be added to this mod ?

Thanx -Crunk