Thaumic Energistics

Thaumic Energistics


Arcane Crafting Terminal Crash

Gambigobilla opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Can you provide the full latest.log file. The crash happened when it tried sorting the items after a mouse click.


Actually you were correct. There were corrupted vis crystals in AE inventory. But on my defense they were so corrupted searchbox couldn't find them when i searched for "vis" or "crystal". I stumbled upon them when i tried to empty my whole AE network. I incinerated the discs containing corrupted crystals and now everything works fine.

Sorry for taking your time and thank you.


An unlucky enter stroke messed up things sorry for that.

After i open arcane crafting terminal, i got some pop-ups that says thaumcraft has crashed. after five or six of them game crashes completely.

Forge version: and


Must be some vis crystal that has bad data. Can you see if it crashes with a normal AE2 terminal and if it doesn't check what vis crystals are in the system?


AE2 terminal works fine. I had all sorts of vis crystals so i removed them and put them in a separate container. It still crashed without any vis crystals in the system.

Btw i forgot to tell you at the first post, crash happens when i hover over any item, not when i open terminal. sorry for that.

I'll backup my save and systematically remove items for any bad data.