Thaumic Energistics

Thaumic Energistics


Crash with Arcane Crafting Terminal

Dayyer1 opened this issue · 9 comments


I tried to craft a workbench charger inside the arcane crafting terminal and the game crashed.

ThaumEn 2.2.1
Thaum BETA 26
Forge 2820
I am using lots of other mods, so I haven't tried reproducing the crash with only these mods alone yet.

There was no crash report, so here's the log.



I'm unable to reproduce, does this happen with different recipes/different me systems? Does anything happen when you search and/or sort?


on ftb ultimate reloaded 1.4.0 if you try to craft arcane bellows from jei the game crashes when you click this button


@jounihh Same crash as OP? Again, i'm unable to confirm in dev.


ok sorry it's probably not the same crash and i don't know if it's thaumic energistics or jei or something else that makes the game crash but im gona make a new issue


Also: I've been having an issue with rendering. I would get crashes that were similar in both Refined Storage terminals and AE terminals. When I scroll down, eventually I get this crash:

I also just tried clearing the grid in the arcane terminal, and got this crash:


I haven't tried setting up another ME system yet.


I'm not sure what is causing the rendering issue. I will also post on the AE2 issue tracker.


Looks like maybe a bad Vis Crystal. But the code looks pretty stable and shouldn't be causing a NPE. Does it always happen and can it be reproduced with a AE2 terminal?


I’ll mess around and see if it was another mod, and test what you suggest. I’ll get back to you on it.


Thaumcraft : 6.1 BETA 26
Thaumic Energetics : 2.2.2
Applied Energetics : rv6 stable -6

Playing on Multiplayer Enviroment the game doesnt do a hard crash , looking at the Terminal will result in a small stuttering and then a desync/soft craft client side as soon as one tries to craft something.
At least that the issue I'm currently facing.