Thaumic Energistics

Thaumic Energistics


ACT Performance

Keridos opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I have massive problems with the ACT performance in v0.71b (compiled from the source). Both client and serverside. Is really laggy when I change the craftinggrid and gets worse when i have the terminal opened for a longer time.


So far I have had no luck finding any performance bottlenecks. All of my profile data shows a maximum execution time of the onCraftingMatrixChanged to be 17ms, with an average of 3ms on the client side. Server side had an average of 1ms. I left the gui opened for 15 minutes and was constantly changing the recipe. I tried regular crafting and TC crafting, neither had any noticeable performance delays. It doesn't appear that there any memory leaks either.


Might be due to some addons, I use Thaumic Exploration, THaumic Tinkerer, Thaumic Warden and forbidden Knowledge. Also Magic bees. I have an average of I think it was around 10 fps while I did some ichor crafting from TT. Also my ACT is connected to a rather large AE2 Network.


I did find one area of code, dealing with enum's, that could use improvement. I had no idea that the area of code was being called so often. I am implementing a caching system to improver speed an memory performance in those areas. However I have my doubts that this is the cause of your issue, as it has been there since I first wrote the code. I continue my search.


I'll profile the code and see if I can localize the issue.


It is not that bad anymore, that might have been some weird weird bug, but the performance is still a bit shoggy, gonna try out 0.7.2b soonish, thanks!


I have my doubts if it will help any, but try building 0.7.2b and see if you get any performance gains.


Let me know if the problem persists.