Thaumic Energistics

Thaumic Energistics


Essentia Provider/Alchemical Construct Quality of Life

kurosnow opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I know this is largely probably Azanor's code's cause, but the Alchemical Construct (Automatic Crucible) tends to ask for more essentia than it needs, so if you're making, say, Alumentum, it asks for Ignis until it gets all of it, even if some is on the way. This leaves unused essentia in the tubes, which, when using jar's isn't a huge problem because it gets sucked back into the jar afterwards. Any way you can have the Essentia Provider have a weak suction (like 8 or something small) and allow it to put essentia back into the network?

I know it'll be a tough thing to do, because you don't want it to replace the Essentia Import Bus, but I ended up having add a whole extra bit to a jar to suck out anything excess in the pipe, then import bus it back into storage.

Thanks mate.


The easiest way to avoid the backflow is to place the Essentia Provider directly against the construct. That way you don't even need to worry about tubes. I will look into adding a suction mechanic, but it will be a mighty slow one lol.


I have it one pipe away, and that's due to space restrictions, with me using the same provider for a Thaumic Tinkerer device, Thaumic Restorer, and having all my AE machines as small of an area as possible, and as close to my crucible as possible, while still being in range of my infusion altar without being in the walkway.

Appreciate the quick reply broseph.