Thaumic Energistics

Thaumic Energistics


Can't export/import into/from Alchemical Centrifuge

rosavi opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I apologize if this isn't supposed to be possible in the first place, but this is my first foray into Thaumcraft and, since I'm already very late-game technologically, I'm just straight up using Thaumic Energistics from the outset so that I don't have to bother too much about the tubing system (which looks VERY complicated and grindy/expensive to make).

I can't interface any of the Thaumic energistics stuff directly into the Alchemical Centrifuge or the Buffer. I can export into warded jars, which are connected via tube to the Centrifuge, and I can import from jars connected to the buffer, but I can't import or export directly to/from them.

If this is the expected behavior, please pardon my ignorance. If not, what am I doing wrong? I tried everything I could think of.


While you can not export into a centrifuge, you can import from it. Place the Essentia Import Bus on the top of the centrifuge. If you want to setup an automatic export system for the centrifuge, you will need a warded jar.
Place the empty warded jar, then place an essentia export bus against it, set the aspects you want to export, place the centrifuge on top of the jar, then place the import bus on top of the centrifuge. Hook the buses up to you network and off it will go.

If you want to turn this into a 'farm', then your best option for import is the Essentia Provider. The provider also has a small amount of suction, and can import essentia from the tube network up to 7 tubes away. For export use a single source jar and run tubes to the centrifuges.

I will set some stuff up and attach the screenshots in a minute.


Single setup

Multiple setup


Let me know if you have any other questions :)