Thaumic Wands

Thaumic Wands


Cannot pick up vis orbs with Iron capped wand

Sixdd6 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I've crafted the iron caps and fitted them to the stick but no matter where I hold the wand (offhand, hotbar or inventory) it simply refuses to pickup the vis orbs. I can see them on the ground all shiny just like the old days but they don't come to me and my wand doesn't gain any vis charge. Are there any known incompatibilities?

Mod version 1.2.2


Seems to be resolved in 1.2.5


This seems to once again be a problem with version 1.2.6. I've spent the last hour in a dark cave trying to charge an iron capped wand and to my surprise it never gained a single point of vis. Does each wand absorb vis at a different rate? Could we at least get a config option to change that rate if that is the case? I really want to put this in a modpack but if the wands are this hard to charge by default I'll have to give it up.


It seems to be related to the wand being in the off-hand, wand in off-hand = no charging. Could we get that as a feature?