Thaumic Wands

Thaumic Wands


Trying to figure out how to add new wand caps, found a crash instead (and a suggestion too)

Sunconure11 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Current WIP script (trying to make a wand cap for a custom gemstone I added via contenttweaker):

import mods.thaumicwands.WandCaps;
import mods.thaumicwands.WandRods;

WandCaps.register("moldavite","FIRSTSTEPS", 2, [<aspect:ordo>*2], <contenttweaker:moldavite>,7);
game.setLocalization("item.wand.moldavite.cap","Moldavite Adorned");

WandCaps.register("carrot","FIRSTSTEPS", 0.2, <minecraft:carrot>, 2);
game.setLocalization("item.wand.carrot.cap","Carrot Cultivated");

Also, in regards to this, would it be possible for you to post a working script system for a wand cap or rod, complete with appropriate textures and any other things needed? Might save some time on dealing with user error.


Also, just a minor suggestion, but how feasible is allowing for script-based wand cores/caps to have specialty functions relating to their charging and/or discounts? I.e stuff like say, being in a specific biome type (biomedict), or some other things I can't think of ATM.