Strange cartographer bug
Motschen opened this issue ยท 18 comments
If I "upgrade" the level of an cartographer to apprentice,
something weird happens: I can't interact with anything, no entity moves and i can't save the world.
I tried every mod in my modpack and the mod that coursed this was TheBiomeOverhaul.
Strangely the log is just empty...
Here's a video that shows the bug:
I tested it without all other mods, exept fabric-api and it crashed, without TheBiomeOverhaul it worked.
Could you see if it could be because of the treasure maps? (by getting a map out of the creative inventory)
This really could be it... I found out that he wants to trade an Ocean Explorer Map...
Maybe MC has some problems with it becouse of the new biomes...
I don't think this can be fixed :(
@Motschen I changed how oceans generate ... ๐
It was freezing because of how long it's taking to locate the structure: the entire main thread is being devoted to locating the structure