The Bumblezone (Fabric)

The Bumblezone (Fabric)


Crash on startup

Sorro123 opened this issue · 4 comments


Game starts loading then crashes after about a minute


@Sorro123 I do not see anything in that log that points to my mod as the issue. You got a mod or datapack that is trying to change the model for vanilla’s firework item but is failing for some reason.

Do you know of any mod or datapack that’s messing with the vanilla firework in your modpack? If so, try removing said mod or datapack and see if that helps.

If not, share the latest.log file instead from the logs folder above the mods folder. It might have more info as to who is making the model change


I might have found the problem will update in a minute
also srry if it isn't your mod causing the problem, the first mod name in the crash was bumblezone so I just guessed


nope. Thought it might be pyrotastic, but I removed that and now salmon is giving me the error instead

crash report

latest.log not on pastebin bc too big


Found the problem, nicephore.