The Bumblezone (Fabric)

The Bumblezone (Fabric)


The Great Essence Update - Future plans

TelepathicGrunt opened this issue · 4 comments


The plans I have for next content updates (most likely will wait until 1.20 before working on it)

Port world blender’s portal to Bumblezone as a Block of ___ Essence. When touched, begin the boss fight sequence. When completed, player gets the essence as item form. Hold in off hand to get the essence's effect which consumes durability as it is being used. When depleted, turns into a depleted item form that only recharges durability if it is in an essenced player's inventory outside offhand. Players can only get the essence effects if they have consumed an Essence of the Bees.

Block of Life Essence (yellow) (Life Grow): lasts 100 uses or the 20 minutes where it converts nearby plants to max age. Heals nearby tameable mobs owned by players over time. Right click other players to heal them.

Block of Knowing Essence (purple) (Mind Sights). Allows for highlighting all nearby item entities and monsters. Highlights nearby blocks that have a loot table (talk with lootr devs about compat)

Block of Rage Essence (Red) (Target Fixation). Same as above but when hit by a mob, that mob and nearby mobs (up to 2 side mobs as long as they aren’t passive) gets highlighted. Hitting these mobs always deals crit damage and recovers a bit of health for player based on damage dealt. No other mob gets highlighted until all currently highlighted mobs are killed. Effect is disabled after 20 mobs killed (Alternative idea: When there are 8 or more hostile mobs nearby or neutral mobs targeting player, the block grabs 8 of those mobs into a list with first in list being lowest hp one and last in list being highest hp. Then the first mob is highlighted red and if player kills it in set time, they get a damage multiplier and the next mob in list is highlighted and so forth. If player kills wrong mob, effect is canceled and item is on 5 minute cooldown. If mob is killed by non-player, the mob is skipped and new mob is selected and timer reset but player does not get any extra damage boost. If player reaches max damage multiplier of 10x, every hit spam a ton of flame and crit particles as player smacks boss to death. Item gets fully damaged and cooldown set for 2 hours.)

Block of Radiating Essence (green) (Chlorophyll): resistance, recovers hunger and slowly health when in view of skylight and light level 15. Speed increase too without zoom effect. Heal durability of armor in sun slowly.

Block of Calming Essence (blue) (Pacifying): Lasts 10 minutes. Angerable mobs nearby become calm. Become invisible to many monsters. Sprint is disabled. Resets insomnia. Can sleep in bed even with monsters nearby. If player attacks a mob, Essence is put on 5 minute cooldown.

Block of Continuity Essence (white) (Continuity): death does not kill. Instead you teleport back to your last saved spot, all health and hunger recovered, xp retained, all negative/neutral status effects removed, and the essence is put on 4 hour cooldown. Works even in hardcore

Giant ruins temple structure for each block of Essence. while having Essence of the Bees. Players in here get Mining fatigue until the essence block is defeatured. Each essence block has its own boss fights. Area will be locked in when started by essence player touching the block. The room is blocked off by a special barrier block. If player leaves or dies, the room is put back to previous state. Save the room into nbt like structure block to load later so any player changes to the room is not lost. If block is defeated, the block is dropped as an item. (How to locate the ruins? Rare honey compass from all dungeons and structures? Rare bonus reward from Bee Queen with bonus trades if done by essenced player?)


Bee Soup -

  • eating grants a random effect of levitation (40s), beenergized(10min), poison(40s), slow falling(5min), luck(15min), or paralysis(10s).
  • Created from 2 Honeycomb, 1 bee bread, bowl, beetroot, potato, bee stinger.
  • 15 food restoration and 24 saturation.
  • Can be found in hive temples and bee dungeons.

Briefcase full of bees

  • Right click to put bee into briefcase. (have allow and forced disallow tag)
  • Right clicking a non-bee entity says "Not a valid bee. Won't fit in briefcase"
  • Right clicking no entity or crouch right clicking opens a new screen.
  • Bee item is a special item that’s only used for briefcase screen. Has nbt to change primary color based on kind of bee saved.
  • Each bee slot has a button to release bee and whether bee has stinger or not.
  • Stinger button if clicked will consume a bee stinger item from inventory and apply it to bee (tag based)
  • Releasing bees keeps you on screen.
  • Hovering over bee states the bee's name and if advanced tooltips on, shows registry name of bee.
  • Rare loot from Hive Temple or crafted from 6 wooden slabs, 1 iron ingot, and 2 honeycomb in shape of briefcase (iron ingot being hinge and slabs on top and bottom row)
  • hitting a mob with the briefcase will spawn an angry bee at the hit mob from briefcase

Ancient Molded Comb - block, stairs, slab variants - inflicts weakness and hunger and eliminates any speed status effect if player on the block does not have essence of the bees. Can be useful for making bases where invaders are at a disadvantage to the essenced player.

(color) Luminesce Wax - a dark wax-like block with a large channel in the middle of the texture glowing of the color the temple's essence block is. Two textures. Offset on even blockpos so the glowing animation is spread between every other block instead of every block? Light level 9. Also have a dot version.

Heavy Air - Mobs in this air will be pulled down to prevent jetpackers and flying in the space. Does not affects bees or Sentry Watchers.

Windy Air - Mobs in this air will be pushed a certain axis direction.

Sentry Watcher - Large 1.8x1.8x2.6 bee statue (dark colored wax) that will awaken if player is in a direct line of sight straight in front of it and will get glowing eyes and charge at player in axis aligned movement. (exponential movement). Shields cannot block and will get disabled. Collision when hit will be proportional to the difference in delta movement between player and Sentry. Sentry is unkillable. Ambient mob. immune to lava and status effects. Explodes if taken out of the temple. (disable behavior and explosion if NoAI is set) Peaceful mode disables the attacking.

Rootmin - small plant mobs that look like a Grass block with a flower on top. Will popup and shoot at player when player isn't looking and try to go back to hiding after 1 second). If hit, will run away and try to break line of sight with player and settle down somewhere. If it can't break line of sight after some time, turns and keeps shooting at player. If they shoot and player takes no damage, they get get shocked and then try again but with a charged up shot that deal much higher damage but takes time (and can be hit back at them). If player is wearing full bee armor, the mob will be confused, jump up, and follow player with question mark above head for about 10 seconds and then go back to their spot and ignore player unless player removes bee armor. If two accidentally shoot one another, the hit one will curse at the shooter who will be embarrassed (Try to only shoot if they have unobstructed view of player). Can have any flower on their head which is stored in nbt as "flower_block":"minecraft:poppy". Only 1 block tall plants will work. Plant can be swapped with right click with new flower (old one pops off as item)


Need 1 ambient music for temple, 6 music for each essence. Need 2 sound for Sentry Watcher (waking and charging). 7 sounds for Rootmin (pop up/down from hiding, cursing, embarrassed, shocked, confused, shooting, running)


Wiggle Dance enchantment for leggings? Makes bees follow player for 30 seconds if they crouch and shake butt. Extra 2 minutes per level.


done in 1.20.1