The Camping Mod

The Camping Mod


When I have keepInventory set to true and I die I always lose my backpack. (if it's in the backpack slot in camping inventory)

cocodelu opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I was wondering if this was done on purpose, or if it's simply something that you haven't gotten to yet?
If it was done on purpose, please let me know in which version it was implemented and if I can change this in config or something? I did check.

I am using the latest version; 1.12.2, 2.4.3


I remember making sure it is kept in the inventory at some point, some update afterwards might have caused a problem. Thanks for letting me know, it'll be fixed in the next update.


The pocket knife also is lost when in the "pocket knife" unlocking slot. They completely disappear from the world, not left laying on the ground to return and recover.