The Camping Mod

The Camping Mod


[1.12.2] Inventory does not open on multiplayer server

mallowbean opened this issue ยท 4 comments


With the mod, pressing [E] (or any other key for that matter), doesn't open inventory on multiplayer servers, but it works fine on singleplayer. I just can't access the inventory at all. Any fixes for this?

I'm using RikMuldsCore 1.3.3 and TheCampingMod 2.4.3.


nevermind, it was just a mistake that I did with my miecraft server foulder

I still have this issue and it is really bothering me. May you tell me how you solved it?


Hahaha sry my friend, just saw the date i commented on this forum, and after 4 years I dont rly remember what was the problem nor how i managed to solve it bud. Could try to give ideas but Id lead u prob nowhere. Seek in ur minecraft foulder, maybe uve got ur mod downloaded twice or something like that idk


happens to me aswell, however, I did some research about this bug, but I could'nt find any solution. I would be very pleased if they fix it because I want to start a new server with friends...


nevermind, it was just a mistake that I did with my miecraft server foulder