The Corners

The Corners


Blocks not Rendering in the Dimension Only.

SSightss opened this issue ยท 3 comments


For some reason no blocks are rendering in the dimensions, only the one with the railings, I would assume I am looking at the skybox surrounding me. Is there a fix for this? I disabled the strong shaders in config and it did not work.
2022-08-25_23 44 05
The image above is what I'm seeing when I enter the dimension, the block indicator at the top shows the block being there but not rendered.
I will add I can leave the dimension the same way with placing and lighting a painting with the flint and steel just doing it blind lol.


What are all the mods you are using?


The list of mods are in "modlist.html" we are using version 1.18.2.


I experienced the exact same issue on 1.18. I did some VERY rudimentary testing (I just tried turning off and on some mods to see what worked) and I found that the create mod seems to be the cause. I honestly have no clue why (not really good with coding things :P), but assuming this thread is still relevant I just thought I would put in my findings. Hope it can get fixed!