The Legend of Herobrine (Outdated)

The Legend of Herobrine (Outdated)


Survivor UI is EXTREMELY Glitchy

CatStack496 opened this issue · 11 comments


I'm playing with this mod on a server with my friends, and we found that you can dupe the bought items due to several glitches with the UI for the Survivor. Like, as I type this, my friend found a somewhat consistent tech to dupe gold blocks by having a few stacks of iron ingot and shuffling around the iron ingots in his inventory after purchasing a gold block and all of the iron would re-appear and he could keep doing it getting infinite gold blocks. you can also dupe diamonds from the survivor and probably all the other stuff too given how glitchy it is. I would recommend finding another mod that uses a villager-esque inventory, for instance, villagers plus, and figuring out how they do it since, no offense intended, whatever code is going on here is not working out.


That’s a rather strange issue. I’ll have to look into it. Seems like an issue to do with the way the survivor handles trades. For now can you add a screen recording here so I can recreate it and debug it? If not I can try to follow the steps listed here. I haven’t done too much testing on servers so it’s probably a multiplayer specific issue. I’ll look into it in a couple hours when I get back from work. I might not get it done for a week or two since I’m leaving to go visiting tomorrow evening


I might have to rebalance the trades now that I think of it. The trades are designed to be infinite and my choice of trades may be exploitable


alright ill hop on MC and see if I can recreate the bug. will be trying it on a singleplayer world first and ill spin up my server to see if theres a difference. For reference the name of the jar file for the mod is TheLegendOfHerobrine-Fabric-1.20.1-0.6.5.jar


whoops accidentally closed :P


sorry about the video quality, GitHub only allows 10mb videos so I ran it through 8mb video :/

I wasn't able to get the iron exploit to work effectively for the gold blocks, but I was able to dupe diamonds several times.
The way I did it was clicking twice on the diamond trade when opening the trading menu, then when I shift click the diamond to buy it and it to automatically going in to my inventory, I immediately close the trading menu. I know there is other ways to make it work without being extremely precise, just the ones I know of aren't as consistent as the one I showed in the video.

I'm almost completely sure this might not matter, but I am playing with a lot of other mods. If you would like me too, I can share my mods list and/or try the mod on its own to see if this still works


I'll look into it. If there is a mod that changes the code with trading that exploit might work for villagers too. Either way I'll probably remove the diamond trade entirely as it's been very easy to get gold since the 1.16 update and I'll probably up the price for gold blocks or remove the trade. It might be a bug with the gold for items trades since from the video it didn't seem to work for the iron for items trades.


I confirmed this bug in my development environment with only this mod so it does exist. I see some log spam but it looks like it being no sound event associated with trading and selecting trades. The bug doesn't happen with villagers so it is in fact a bug with the survivor. I'll try to look for a solution to the issue, but the fix won't be in any 0.6 based version as I already started work on 0.7, but I will get the second preview for 0.7 as soon as possible


I seem to have fixed it. It was something to due with not having a sound event for trading and selecting trades so I just gave it an empty sound event so there is still no sound which also solves the log spam. I'll release 0.7.0 preview build 2 shortly and close the issue when the update is fully released


Awesome! I'll be looking forward to future updates on this mod! I might submit some enhancement tag requests in the near future! Great mod so far, and I can't wait to see where this goes!
I'll close the issue since it seems like you figured it out


Whoops just reread your last message about closing it when you release the preview


Fixed in 0.7.0