The Lost Cities

The Lost Cities


(REFINEMENT REQUEST) Bodies of Water / Water Biomes in Biospheres

Vaygrim opened this issue ยท 2 comments


MC 1.12.2 / Latest versions of Lost Cities
This is a request for some refinement to the worldgen of Biospheres, and not implicitly an indication of a 'bug' or 'flaw'.

Currently if you raise the water level in Biospheres so as to get bodies of water (like ponds or rivers) within Biospheres, said bodies of water are being generated very ... strangely. The biosphere has normal terrain generated within it.. then water is added after the fact based upon Y-levels. This means that you get ponds that are lined with all dirt blocks / grass blocks / podzol blocks, etc.. across the bottom instead of the usual smooth stone / gravel / sand. This results in a lot of the ponds and riverways looking fairly basic and handmade instead of actually generated with the world.

Biome mods such as "Biomes O'Plenty" will usually line the bottom layer of ground beneath bodies of water with something other than just grass / dirt / podzol. Is this a possibility for the long term, or 'a bridge too far' in terms of world-gen due to additional processing / lag added?


Sorry for commenting on a very old issue, but I think I know what may be wrong.

Lost Cities only lets jungle, jungle_hills, and jungle_edge biomes spawn inside biospheres, and water offset ignores everything and just raise the water by however many blocks. (Which is fine btw)

A fix would be adding ocean/deep ocean/river biomes spawnable to profile.ALLOWED_BIOME_FACTORS.

I'll try this and see how it goes.


I'll check it out soon