The Lost Cities

The Lost Cities


[Feature Request] Reload profile just before new world generation in single player

JheregJAB opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I'm trying to use single player to work up a custom config, and having a lot of trouble getting it just right. The game doesn't seem to reload the configs between attempts, so I have to completely close minecraft and re-open it, which is time consuming.

Would it be at all possible to make the mod reload the profiles just after clicking the "Create New World" button? That would make testing new options / debugging profiles much less time consuming.

Context: At the moment I'm having difficulty understanding how the city spheres are generated. I've got an idea for a custom variant of the biospheres profile, but can't seem to get it to work correctly. Changing one parameter, testing, closing the game, changing a parameter, relaunching the game to test one, and looping is a slow workflow when starting the game takes several minutes. (I actually think there may be a bug in the glass sphere creation, but I'll create a separate issue for that if it turns out I'm not just misunderstanding.)


I'd like to second this. It would help a lot with playing around and unserstanding the parameters.