The Lost Cities

The Lost Cities


Older Worlds Crash on chunk generation when using the new version of the mod

SirAron111 opened this issue · 2 comments


Here is the crash
I can load the old world up i made sure to turn the config optimizedChunkgen setting in the general config to false as I do have NEID installed. (Tested it with this setting on true still didn’t work)
So like I say I can load the world but the moment i try to generate new chunks this crash happens
PS: also tested it with generating completely new world this also doesnt work her is the crash right at the start here is the crash for that


Additional Information

  1. Forge version used:
  2. Modpack I updated (My Modpack) Dimension Zero
  3. Previous version of the lost cities installed: LostCities - 1.12-2.0.13
  4. Version I tried to update to that made this crash on chunk gen or new world gen happen: LostCities - 1.12-2.0.14
  5. Tested with the config setting that was added turned to false and turned to true
  6. Default profile set to be used in the config (worked perfectly before) “chisel”

Don't set the optimized to false. It is currently broken. It will work if you set it to true. I fixed support for NEID and JEID and will update soon