The Lost Cities

The Lost Cities


Rubble Generation Suggestion

Areolata7 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


In trying to create a desolate world I noticed one unsighly flaw; the leaf rubble. I love the rubble and city damage but when the city is generated in an icy or arid biome the excessive green foliage is out of place. But no rubble is boring. Would it be possible to have cactus & dead bushes used in the arid biomes (desert, outback, mesa, etc). and only spruce and dead bushes (and maybe small ice-spires) in the icy biomes (glacier, tundra, taiga, ice spikes, etc)?

If it is not possible to configure the automatic detection of biome can that be something you add as an option for the user to select? There is a box to enable/disable rubble but maybe offer a drop-down menu instead? Then the user can choose which rubble type to generate (lush, arid, icy).

Please consider. Thank you!


This is possible, as The Lost Cities can detect when a city is in a desert and use palette_desert.json, which changes what blocks are used in the city. Something like this could also be done with the rubble, but I do not know how to.