The Lost Cities

The Lost Cities


1.16.5 - Feature Placement Crash

B3nedek opened this issue ยท 2 comments


My 1.16.5 save in All The Mods 6 has crashed twice trying to load the same area. Crash report is attached. I appreciate any help! I understand if it ends up being some random incompatibility with the million other mods installed.


Can you give me more info? Is this a Lost City world? Did you do special configuration in some way?


This crash occurs in the overworld, with Lost Cities enabled. The area that crashes it is in the middle of a city. I used custom during worldgen and configured the world to be a combination of the rarecities and tallbuildings profiles, with vines completely disabled. This is the world config file that shows all the settings (converted to .txt because .toml isn't supported here)
I deleted said file as a temporary solution, causing cities to stop generating in new chunks and therefore keeping the problem chunk from trying to generate; however, I'd like to be able to have them generate again in the future. Thanks for the quick response!