The Lost Cities

The Lost Cities


"easymobs" vs "hardmobs" - Clarification?

Brittank88 opened this issue ยท 20 comments


The wiki skips over actually explaining what these conditions are. Do "hardmobs" entries only exist in the world as spawners when the difficulty is hard? Why is there no "normalmobs" section then? It is confusing.


@McJty Forgive me if this is something on my end but... I've been no-clipping around under the ground for like 20 minutes now, and have not seen a single blaze or witch spawn.

Furthermore, forge cannot find any witches or blazes anywhere either:

...Is this normal? I hate to be that guy, but it really looks like something isn't right with the mod. I am using a custom profile, is that it?


They are rare but they do work. I've seen them. Note, are you sure that spawners actually activate while you are in that mode? I know they don't in spectator mode


I'm using the noclip feature of NotEnoughCreativity - they are spawning!

Hmm, is there any way to adjust the hardmobs general rarity? This is too rare for what I'm going for, but I don't want them peppered literally at any floor level either.


Check the wiki:
You'll have to actually modify the building assets for that


No no. It's just that some spawners in buildings are classified as being tied to 'hardmobs' and other spawners are classified as being tied to 'easymobs'. It doesn't correspond to the game difficulty


Oh I see, and then I assume the hardmobs are spawned less frequently? Wouldn't it be better if mobs just had a weight parameter?


It has to do with specific spawners. Spawners that are in somewhat more hard to reach locations and locations with better loot are tagged as 'hardmobs'. While others are easymobs


Ah, interesting. I flew around a little while and didn't see anything but maybe I got unlucky?


Well they are normal spawners. Not sure how you expect to recognize them? They are just coupled to the hardmobs factor. You generally find them very deep underground


Recognising the mobs they were spawning, lol

Oh, another question, what scale does factor operate on? Is it a float, or an integer?


It doesn't really matter. It's relative to the total sum. So you can do it in any range


Ah, thanks. I should have really looked at the existing conditions.json to see that it could be both, and I could have asked a better question then lol


Struggling to see any sort of legend on the wiki or in the JSON file that explains what each char represents in the building parts file.


They are defined in the palette.json (and some in library.json)


Ah, thank you. Seriously, your responsiveness and patience is outstanding, I really appreciate it.


Okay, I'm struggling to work with these files, because after making some changes to conditions.json and the loot tables, the profile that was working before is now no longer being used in the dimension.


Is there some log lostcities puts messages in relating to failing to parse the conditions file?

I'm also using KubeJS to add to and override existing instances of lostcities loot JSONs. Not sure if that is a problem.


Ah, okay. Thanks!

It would honestly be nice if there was some global factor that was exposed as a general config option, but I'm still glad it's possible.


Huh... that's really strange. The new mobs I added are spawning, but chest loot isn't working. Both are in the same conditions file...

EDIT: Somehow LC reset its own config to use the default profile for the dimension again. I did not change this back, I do not know why it has done this.


Gonna close this for now - thank you for clarifying so many things!