The Lost Cities

The Lost Cities


[Suggestion] Progressive changes as X/Y increases

tachometer74 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Would it be possible to have some of the values increase/decrease as X & Y increase?

For example:
From 0,0 to 500,500 - "explosionChance": 0.0
From 501,501 to 1000,1000 - "explosionChance": 0.01
From 1001,1001 to 1500,1500 - "explosionChance": 0.05

So some sort of "every X blocks, change Y by Z". Or be able to set multiple sets of variables - like "explosions" > "zone" = 01, "radius" = 0,500 > "zone" = 02, "radius" = 501,1000 > and so on.

I don't imagine that would work with some settings - any of the true/false settings or some of the generators (like "groundlevel").

I'm trying to do this manually by generating chunks from 0,0 to 500,500 > shutting down the server > changing a couple config settings for the profile > restarting the server > generating chunks from 501,501 to 1000,1000. I'm just changing the explosion chance (want the world to be more devastated the further you get from world spawn.)

Great mod BTW! Love how it's progressed over the years :)


Interesting suggestion. I think about something like this. But not in the near future though