The Lost Cities

The Lost Cities


Server Crashes on Start; Failure message: LostCities (lostcities) encountered an error during the common_setup event phase java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not a JSON Object: true

unluckyClone opened this issue · 2 comments


I dont know of anything that changed and might have caused this error.
tested a few things: reinstalled, repaired, tried older modpack-versions.
And since I dont really know what I´m even doing I´ll just attatch all the files I got.


I hope this is the right place for this problem and I´m sorry if thats not the case.


yes, this is caused by changing some type of config somewhere. Hard to say though if you don't know what you changed. Try to revert to defaults perhaps?


i changed some values in other mods, but cant remember even touching lost cities.
And I just got back from the gym and everythings running like nothing ever happend, I just hope it´ll stay like this ^^
Thank you for the fast answer.