The Lost Cities

The Lost Cities


The crafting dead integration

RileyOard opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I am attempting to modify the library.json to include The Crafting Dead loot items in the spawning of buildings. When I add items to that they still do not spawn. I tested by removing the furnace from the file, but they still spawn when I generate a Minecraft world. It doesn't make sense to me how the generation works. Am I missing something?


I did not make a datapack. All I've done is gone into the Library.json file. And went under the common section. In the palette in going down to "char" F and % and changing the "block" value from, for example, Minecraft:anvil to craftingdeadsurvival:civilian_loot.

After changing those values, I create a new work with the lost cities enabled. And the crafting dead loot is not spawning. And the furnaces still are. Even though they have been replaced.


How did you go 'into the library.json' file? What exactly did you do? Don't replace files inside the mod itself. You can only alter Lost City assets by using a datapack.

Here is an example datapack:

And here is a tutorial:


What version? What are you doing exactly?


I am using version: lostcities-1.18-5.3.16

I am changing the library.json file to include the blocks for craftingdeadsurvival:civilian_loot and others. I replaced some other blocks in this portion like furnace and anvil.

Even after removing furnace from this block char. The cities still generate furnaces. when creating a new world.

Is it not looking at this file when generating?


Can you describe exactly how you are changing library.json? Did you make a datapack correctly?


I got it to work with the datapack. Thank you! I was editing the config files of the mod itself.


I got it to work with the datapack. Thank you! I was editing the config files of the mod itself.

i cant seem to understand this at all. prolly cause im new to all this just trying to create a world where it spawns crafting dead loot in lost cities could u send a step by step or the files you used and tell me where to put them.
cause i think i did it wrong this is what i have. i am able to use it as a data pack before i create the world but none of the loot spawns
in common i changed the spawners into loot generators since i didnt need the spawners.
i dont know if i didnt do this right but i was able to put it into my world but nothing happened
i tried getting rid of the other lost cities datapack but that didnt work either
here are pngs if u dont wanna donwload the .txt this is only a portion of the pictures as they are 4 diffrent pages for each if u need them lmk.
but am i doing something wrong i copied the example mcjty put as my data pack edited it a little but it dosent work