The Lost Cities

The Lost Cities


1.20.1 Lostcities:lostcity generate bedrock at y = 1

MADxingjin opened this issue · 3 comments


Version: 1.20.1 Lostcity 7.0.1
Expectation: Lostcities:lostcity is a dimension which bedrock generates at y = -63 and cave systems generate normally like Overworld
Encountered: Lostcities:lostcity generates bedrock at y=1 IGNORING any specified profile in config file.


7.0.1 is ancient. Does this also occur on the latest version?


Nvm, this mod isn't the problem in the pack I'm using. I removed it and bedrock still generates at y=0.
Consulting the pack author currently


Were you ever able to find out what was causing the issue? Made a server with some friends and were having the same thing happen and it’s causing some wacky generation with structures that spawn underground.