The Monk Mod

The Monk Mod


Walking off a block onto water makes the player stuck

darthvader45 opened this issue · 5 comments


Apparently I tried to go from walking on normal blocks to walking on water, and I got stuck. Eventually I got a bunch of errors about moving wrongly, passengers on unknown entity and crashed. Now I can't get back in my save. Please fix this.


Similar problem here - walking on water feels more like walking on BC Oil, or on top of a glitchy boat. Doesn't work properly at all. Not getting any errors about unknown entities or incorrect movement on my end tho.

Edit: ignore this comment, issue was fixed by exiting and reentering the world


I'm having this issue in 1.4 currently. However, re-logging (restarting single player game) seems to fix it


Weird, I never really had a problem with it in 1.4 and such.


Try taking off all of the armor as it worked for me. Cause it seems when you have any armor on the monk abilities decrease or idk.