The Monk Mod

The Monk Mod


Sprint 100 blocks doesn't always work

Dragnier opened this issue · 5 comments


As stated, I've played with this mod in two new worlds so far and the Sprint 100 blocks advancement doesn't reliably calculate over uneven terrain. In the second world, I've sprinted more than 100 blocks (about 150 to 200) with only a few (4 or less) jumps and it refuses to give the advancement.

In the first world, it took me a really long time trying to get this one to work. Does it track by distance from starting point, actual number of blocks traveled, or some other method?

Also in the second world, I constructed a 110 block long straight line and ran the entire distance without getting the advancement. I even tried running back and forth on this after constructing turn around areas to see if using all of my hunger would work and nothing happened.

I just tried this in a third world. Superflat this time so no jumping necessary. Ran over 1000 blocks in a single direction to no avail.

If this is tracked by the "Statistics" window, I've noticed that mine consistently says "Downloading Statistics" but never shows anything lately.

I have re-tested this and decided that it has to be either another mod causing the issue and not a problem with this mod or simply shear mod load causing the issue.


I've discovered the mod causing the problem I think. StepupFixer by Aroma1997 appears to be interfering with your mod's detection of the sprinting. I don't know if this is just that mod or anything that adjusts the character with a step up assist. Might be worth checking.


I'm having the same issue, and I don't have StepupFixer. I do have Thaumcraft, and it has an item that does the same thing.


You need to quit your armor, and you can't have any weapon in your hand.


You need to quit your armor, and you can't have any weapon in your hand.

Nice thought, but you can configure the Monk Mod to allow specific types of armor, which I did and hands were empty. Plus, you're a bit late to the party here.