Enhancement: Different consequences for eating the same food other than slow eating speed.
SirAron111 opened this issue · 0 comments
An option to stop counting foods with 0% or near 0% nutrition value towards the food eaten list to prevent people from eating20 apples to simply get the list cleared when the option for the slowdown is turned off.
For example I don’t like the eating speed reduction but still want to prevent people from simply eating 24 apples to clear the food history. Basically after having the same food in the history more than 3 times shouldn’t count towards the limit but still reduce the foods value if eaten more and more. Would also be an option?
An overeaten effect would also be fun that when someone eats like 10 times the same stuff he vomits losing hunger (as his stomach gets empty as a punishment)
An option to modify the Saturation buff/effect (there are things like potions or everlasting abilities that give saturation as a permanent buff making hunger never drain because even one level of saturation food to fast it to fast). A modifier to make the saturation effect from minecraft only prevent starvation by capping it or a modifier on the speed at which saturation ticks so that if a player fights and runs around the saturation can’t keep up.