Better mineshafts compatibility issue
Hadies-Alchemist opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Forge version:
Twilight Forest version: (this is the build number)
Link to crash log: (please use a paste site such as gist, do not attach the .txt or paste the log inline)
Steps to reproduce:
- install better mineshafts and twilight forest. Load game and then load world. enter twilight dimension and explore until you find the floating mineshafts.
What I expected to happen: there to not be floating mineshafts in the sky
What happened instead: there were floating mineshafts in the sky
I can confirm I have this issue as well. I also only saw the acacia mineshaft in the oak savanna, no other mineshafts in any other biomes.
@Hadies-Alchemist @NovaN4 this is repurposed structures's mineshafts. Please use my configs to blacklist dimensions or biomes to prevent my structures from spawning in certain dimensions/biomes. I add my structures using a pretty broad selection to biomes and I can't account for all the possible dimension mods that can exist lol. hence why it is best for user to blacklist it in their config rather than me hardcoding checks as some people may want the mineshafts in other dimensions
I can add their dimension to the default string for the dimension blacklist but it wont affect people who already started playing with RS as the config is already made. For them, they will have to still edit config to blacklist the dimension
@Hadies-Alchemist @NovaN4 this is repurposed structures's mineshafts. Please use my configs to blacklist dimensions or biomes to prevent my structures from spawning in certain dimensions/biomes. I add my structures using a pretty broad selection to biomes and I can't account for all the possible dimension mods that can exist lol. hence why it is best for user to blacklist it in their config rather than me hardcoding checks as some people may want the mineshafts in other dimensions
I can add their dimension to the default string for the dimension blacklist but it wont affect people who already started playing with RS as the config is already made. For them, they will have to still edit config to blacklist the dimension
Can you add a blacklist dimension config so we do not have to manually add all the biomes from other dimensions?
@celsiusqc There's already a dimension blacklist. It's in the main config file and applies to all Repurposed Structures's structrues at once