The Twilight Forest

The Twilight Forest


[1.16.5] Issues with structure generation

The-Bernician-Lamb opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I noticed a lot of these issues when flying around a test world that I made.
I thought it would be easier to put all of these on one issue page, but if you want me to split them up into separate issues then I can do that.

Forge version: 36.1.4
Twilight Forest version: 4.0.412
Link to latest log:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Minecraft with Twilight Forest installed and start a new world.
  2. Create a portal to the Twilight Forest and go through it.
  3. Locate the respective structures until the issues occur.

What I expected to happen:
The structures would spawn correctly.

What happened instead:
A few issues with structure generation that are shown below:

Naga Courtyard wall pieces sometimes generate with incorrect rotation. Other smaller structures such as trees and druid huts can also spawn inside of Naga Courtyards:
2021-04-06_23 01 53

Double chests in certain structures generate as 2 single chests instead and paintings sometimes pop off walls during generation:
2021-04-06_23 03 10

Castle Pillars on bridges in the final castle are sometimes incorrectly rotated:
2021-04-06_23 06 43

This particular tower in the final castle can rarely generate like this:
2021-04-06_23 07 58
2021-04-06_23 08 21

Mobs can spawn on the outside of their respective structures such as hollow hills:
2021-04-05_21 51 02

The Final Castle can rarely generate cut off if it spreads into the Thornlands, like this:
2021-04-05_21 48 43

There's also this issue with cave generation which is caused by Yung's better caves, which I thought you should know about: YUNG-GANG/YUNGs-Better-Caves#120


This issue might be relevant to this pinned issue.


It is not


Ok then. Because the generation in the stronghold is glitched.


Are any of these still an issue?


the only ones are the castle generation issues and apparently the hollow hill spawns being outside the hill


alguien sabe que hacer para que la hydra y la naga tengan cuerpo, por que no me deja ver sus cuerpos, no tengo optifine ni shaders.

por favor ayuudaa


Two more issues relating to structure generation (Forgot to include these in the main post, Sorry):

The Dark forest canopy can generate inside of the dark tower:
2021-04-08_18 44 26

The furnaces in this particular dark tower room, all generate facing backwards:
2021-04-08_18 47 52


Just leaving a note here that the only ones left after my fixes are dark leaves genning in dark towers, castles cutting off, and mobs genning out of place