[1.16.5] Issues with structure generation
The-Bernician-Lamb opened this issue ยท 8 comments
I noticed a lot of these issues when flying around a test world that I made.
I thought it would be easier to put all of these on one issue page, but if you want me to split them up into separate issues then I can do that.
Forge version: 36.1.4
Twilight Forest version: 4.0.412
Link to latest log: https://pastebin.com/V2zPkBwy
Steps to reproduce:
- Open Minecraft with Twilight Forest installed and start a new world.
- Create a portal to the Twilight Forest and go through it.
- Locate the respective structures until the issues occur.
What I expected to happen:
The structures would spawn correctly.
What happened instead:
A few issues with structure generation that are shown below:
Naga Courtyard wall pieces sometimes generate with incorrect rotation. Other smaller structures such as trees and druid huts can also spawn inside of Naga Courtyards:
Double chests in certain structures generate as 2 single chests instead and paintings sometimes pop off walls during generation:
Castle Pillars on bridges in the final castle are sometimes incorrectly rotated:
This particular tower in the final castle can rarely generate like this:
Mobs can spawn on the outside of their respective structures such as hollow hills:
The Final Castle can rarely generate cut off if it spreads into the Thornlands, like this:
There's also this issue with cave generation which is caused by Yung's better caves, which I thought you should know about: YUNG-GANG/YUNGs-Better-Caves#120
This issue might be relevant to this pinned issue.
the only ones are the castle generation issues and apparently the hollow hill spawns being outside the hill