The Twilight Forest

The Twilight Forest


Steeleaf and Ironwood armours don't render on Snow Guardians

The-Bernician-Lamb opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Forge version: 36.1.4
Twilight Forest version: 4.0.426
Link to Latest Log:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Load up a world with twilight forest installed.
  2. Spawn some snow guardians with a spawn egg or command.
  3. You will notice that some of them seems to have armour and some of them don't. The ones without armour always seem to be carrying an ironwood or steeleaf sword.

What I expected to happen:
All armour on all types of snow guardians would render correctly.

What happened instead:
The snow guardians with ironwood and steeleaf gear had invisible armour. This happens with naturally spawned ones as well as those that are spawned in by a player.

2021-04-09_18 47 35
2021-04-09_18 46 51
2021-04-11_12 08 52
2021-04-11_12 08 43