The Twilight Forest

The Twilight Forest


Fiery Pickaxe autosmelt does not work on nether gold ore

FloppaWithDrip opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Forge version: 36.1.0
Twilight Forest version: 4.0.467

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Craft fiery pickaxe
  2. mine nether gold ore

What I expected to happen:
Mine the nether gold ore and get an ingot

What happened instead:
It dropped nuggets

Also fortune with autosmelt does not work on the smeltable ores, but I was not sure if this is intended or not


Why Nether gold ore should drop an ingot with auto-smelt? I think it shouldn't


Because vanilla does this??


Huh? Vanilla Nether gold drop golden nuggets.


Not when you smelt the ore it doesn't


..only if you get it as a ore, which requires silk touch?


I wrote this earlier on the discord, but the reason it doesnt work is because the fiery modifier changes drops, not blocks themselves. It should smelt into a gold ingot if you use silk touch.
As for fortune, that probably wont happen, but I may look into it.
Gonna close this since its not exactly valid to fix.