The Twilight Forest

The Twilight Forest


Enable Dim Validation

SheReyy opened this issue ยท 4 comments


There's this block of code in the mod, which I need.

```// Find a different way to validate if a world is passible as a "Twilight Forest" instead of hardcoding Dim ID (Instanceof check for example)
//public static final RegistryKey<World> twilightForest = RegistryKey.getOrCreateKey(Registry.WORLD_KEY, new ResourceLocation(TFConfig.COMMON_CONFIG.DIMENSION.twilightForestID.get()));```

I don't know why it is commented, but is there any chance you can enable this? And if not, how could I validate this? I tought of lots of options, but none really did the job for me.


You know you can just create that key yourself right.
Besides, we check via the chunk generator class type now, but there is a string based check from the config as well if need be


I can just create it and it works? 0_0 Lol, I'll try that, thx a lot.


Unless you ABSOLUTELY need to check if it's a Twilight World, use usesTwilightChunkGenerator since it tells you if it's a Twilight World because that's possible. This is more ideal unless you're doing portal related stuff then yes you'll want to use isStrictlyTwilightForest. I'll be commenting on those methods to make this distinction clearer


Check out 51a90bf, I added a new method, several comments explaining usages, and renamed a method or two