The Twilight Forest

The Twilight Forest


Branch ready with Bugfixes for plants and huge canopy trees from MC 1.2.5 Version

Opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Forge version:
Twilight Forest version: Forked from branch 1.11.2 - d3bbb9c

Hello TeamTwilight,

I created a bugfix for Version 1.11.2 where plants like moss patch or torchberry plants can't be replanted. A few improvements for vine generation for the enchanted forest was done too, to make them hang down.

Also I ported 2x2 canopy trees from an old twilight forest version for MC 1.2.5 . Seems like they were removed while the hollow trees were refactorized to be a structure. For this I used a trick to allow recursive calls to the biome decorators. This is needed, because such trees are too wide and thus may invoke chunk generations during the decoration process.
2017-09-05_12 03 12

Do you wish my branch to be uploaded?



Any feature that is a modification of a file can be submitted as a Pull Request. I believe that vines and moss patches may have been dealt with, but the current version hasn't fixed Torchberries. If you can submit the modifications as a Pull Request, it can be taken into consideration, and conflicts can be detected if any exist.
Also, can this apply to 1.12.x? At this current stage, I think 1.11.2 is no longer being worked on.


I have no rights to upload a branch to be able to make a pull request.


A migration of the code to 1.12 should be possible with minimal efforts.


Thanks. I'm new to github, but good to know there is such feature.

I'm playing on 1.11.2 and develop mods on it. But my changes should be migrateable easily.


seeing as this issue isn't really an issue, I'm closing it now

the changes will be accepted if they target the 1.12.x branch and are submitted via a PR

I look forward to your PR :D

we can discuss the technical aspects once the code is shown


Why 1.11.2, we're going straight to 1.12.1, also you don't need to upload to our repo to make a pull request, you can use your own fork.