The Twilight Forest

The Twilight Forest


Game Crashed going into Swamp Biome now save is borked (Valhesia 5 ModPack)

Deathefrog opened this issue · 4 comments


Forge Version


Twilight Forest Version


Client Log

No response

Crash Report (if applicable)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Was walking at the edges of the forest between the snowy/cold biome and the swamp biome (both currently locked).
  2. Attacked suddenly by swarm of mosquitos.
  3. Killed said mosquitos.
  4. Turned and took three steps away from swamp and game imploded.
  5. Crashy saved it and went to title screen - I loaded the game again. World generated, got one brief flash of tree and BAM - crash and save. Happened 3 more times so now this save is toast.

What You Expected

I expected to turn around from getting molested by a bunch of mosquitos I didn't mean to aggro and continue to try to figure out WTF I was supposed to be doing besides trying to curb stomp the squirrels. Frigging crusty little rodents.

What Happened Instead

Brown Screen of Death and I am afraid now I can't save this world and I am Not Happy About This.

Additional Details

If you need more info I can definitely try to dig up the log but I work 14 hour days at a crap job with 'college educated' middle aged toddlers making it feel like I'm herding cats. Please help me save my one ray of vague happiness.

Please Read and Confirm The Following

  • I have confirmed this bug can be replicated without the use of Optifine.
  • I have confirmed the details provided in this report are concise as possible and does not contained vague information (ie. Versions are properly recorded, answers to questions are clear).
  • I have confirmed this issue is unique and has not been reported already.

As far as I can tell, something corrupted the Vertex Buffer pipeline. Could be anything.
It just so happened that the corruption happened while rendering a firefly.

Is this reproducible without any other mods?


I'll go ahead and close this as assuming its another mod's fault.
