The Twilight Forest

The Twilight Forest


Very strange behaviour from the uncrafting table + ways to bypass xp costs on it.

metalmint opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Forge Version


Twilight Forest Version


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Steps to Reproduce

(Note that this bug is likely much more than what I will describe below, there is much to test out with this still) (Also there are two versions I have found so far, the first being an actual exploit and the other being a bug which can delete items out of your inventory)
Bug 1 "The Re-crafter!!!!"
1. In the uncrafter menu, place any uncraftable item into the leftmost slot [For this example I will be using diamond leggings]
2. Place diamonds in the empty slots as if you're just filling in a normal crafting recipe [In this example this would be placing 2 diamonds in the two empty slots, in order to make it resemble the crafting recipe of a diamond block]
3. Take the item from the rightmost slot, notice how the XP cost is not displaying anymore. [Congrats, you just turned diamond leggings into a diamond block by adding 2 diamonds! And it costed absolutely no XP!]

Bug 2 "Now for my disappearing act!" (Note that if you followed these steps in 1.19.2 -with a couple extra caveats- you will actually end up duping items instead of losing them. Mostly.)
1. In the uncrafter menu, place any uncraftable item into the leftmost slot [For this example I will be using a bed]
2. Place an item (or items I guess) onto one of the occupied slots (preferably keep it the same type, but that isn't necessary as I will explain later on) [in this example, we will be placing 1 oak plank onto one of the oak plank slots]
3. Take the item from the rightmost slot, notice how the item you placed is now gone and you now have less of that item in your inventory than before. [Not much to say, you have 1 less plank now :P]

Now of course it is possible to merge Bug 1 and Bug 2, like in the case of uncrafting sticks into planks lets say, you would be able to place 1 plank onto one of the occupied slots, and then 2 planks on the empty slots next to it in order to make it resemble a crafting table, and once you take the crafting table from the rightmost crafting slot you would notice that you now have 1 less plank than before and that you now have a crafting table which costed you no XP.

I may mess around some more with this bug, if I find any more information or bugs I will share it here.

What You Expected

Okay I kind of just realized that I was supposed to fill this in too, whatever just refer to "steps to reproduce" that has all the information I have.
I guess I'm expecting this uncrafting table not to be able to morph items into others with no XP cost, or be able to delete items from your inventory if you just so happened to mess around with that.

What Happened Instead

Refer to "steps to reproduce".

Additional Details

I suspect this is due to the uncrafting table having issues differentiating between its "uncrafting" mode and its "crafting" mode, meaning as soon as it detects an item placed within the grid (besides what comes from the uncrafting) it instantly switches to crafting mode and starts behaving really strange due to the overlap. This is also backed up by the fact that whenever there is an extra item on the grid, it refuses to let you pick up the ingredients of whatever you were uncrafting, only what you placed on top of that, signifying it doesn't expect players to be able to uncraft while it is in "crafting" mode.

Please Read and Confirm The Following

  • I have confirmed this bug can be replicated without the use of Optifine.
  • I have confirmed the details provided in this report are concise as possible and does not contained vague information (ie. Versions are properly recorded, answers to questions are clear).
  • I have confirmed this issue is unique and has not been reported already.

Does that first bug happen with things other than armor and tools? If not, that could possibly be a weird interaction with the intended recrafting mechanic (which is where you replace the materials to "upgrade" the tool while keeping all enchants and whatnot)


This works with everything, as I've mentioned you can put 4 sticks in the uncrafting slot and then add 2 planks in the grid next to the other 2 from the uncraft recipe, and you'll be able to make a crafting table for free. So clearly this extends to everything, as long as there's something you can make with what's already there, you can make it for free.


as was discussed in the TF discord, 1 is intentional as there is no way to properly check if a recipe can be reversed. Recrafting items is an intended feature of the table so itll be sticking around.
2 is most definitely a bug, and thats what I fixed in the latest commit. Any items that you add to the assembly matrix while the uncrafting matrix has an item will keep the old item in the crafting grid after the item is pulled from the result slot. This will prevent you from losing items, such as when you recraft a bed into trapdoors. The wool will remain.


Oh this is even worse, you can turn diamond leggings into a diamond block and still have the leggins, no xp cost either, so long as you have at least 2 levels
unironic diamond dupe in the mod right now

How to do it:
Have at least 2 levels of xp
Have 9 diamonds

  1. craft a pair of diamond leggins
  2. put those in the 'input slot' of the uncrafting table but do not yet take them out.
  3. fill the remaining slots with diamonds and you can grab the resulting diamond block (you cannot do this step if you do not have 2 levels but it does not cost xp)
  4. you can then still grab the diamond leggins after taking out the block
    you just made a 7 diamond profit
  5. turn the block into diamonds, repeat turning the leggins into blocks over and over again

infinite diamond duplication