[Suggestion] damaging player when on top of Dark forest biome
Nightfigure opened this issue ยท 6 comments
The Suggestion
Damaging the player when on the top of the dark forest biome/on top of thick darkwood leaves similar to the forest maze
Why Should It Be in the Mod?
it would prevent people from just towering up and going to the tower
Please Read and Confirm the Following
- I have confirmed this suggestion is unique and has not been suggested already.
yes i know that,but a lot of people i've seen play the mod just tower up and walk across the top of the biome to go the dark tower.
If they've already gone through the dark forest to do the stronghold then that seems fine to me.
It would be so funny if this was actually added to the mod since pretty much every time I playthrough the mod I seem to find a dark forest stronghold right on the edge, beat it, and proceed to skip most of the dark forest hostiles by running along the treetops.